Frequently Asked Questions?

What is the idea? [click here]
The idea is simple: to find true love. To commemorate 5 years of being in love I am reaching out across the globe to find the greatest true love stories in real life. I will capture 10,000 couples, whose love will be preserved on this website in perpetuity. They will have the opportunity to share their love and story with the world.

Every 5 years on Valentines Day, I will review and update the status of our 10,000 couples. While the nature of their love may change this webpage will not. Their story will be remembered, embraced, and shared. Fixed in a permanent place where millions can delight in their love. This site will be a permanent celebration to the great loves of our lives and a challenge for them to withstand the tests of time. These loves will be a part of history and serve as an inspiration, reminding all of us that True Love does exist.

How does it work? [click here]
Obtain 10,000 couples who are committed to loving each other forever. Post a photo and description to begin telling their love story. Couples will be provided with tools and resources to continue sharing their love story as it evolves. We will review and update every 5 years to check the status of their love. Read More.

  1. A photo of you together
  2. Your full names
  3. The date you met
  4. Your story
Optional Items:
  1. Date of birth
  2. Your wedding date
  3. A link to a photo album, blog, website, registry, etc...
Once all the submissions are collected. I will review and verify that they are genuine. Reengineer the homepage and release it ostensibly in 2012. Every 5 years I will review and update the status of our 10,000 couples.

What kind of story? [click here]
Your story can be a short paragraph about how you met, how you love each other, a great challenge you overcame, thoughts about each other. Ultimately it is your story. It can be whatever you want. This is only the beginning. We expect it will continue take shape and evolve along the way, and We are prepared to help you tell it.

Why do you raise money? [click here]
We raise money for love to help our couples in need. Love should no know boundaries, and we intend on helping these couples keep the magic alive! Many couples truly in love struggle with financial hardship that can discourage them from realizing their dreams. Weddings, Anniversaries, Special Birthdays, these once in a lifetime moments shouldn't have to settle for less. Sometimes all they need is a little financial help.

As a couple I can receive money? [click here]
Yes! Historic Loves gives many couples the means to do something magical with their love. We do not dictate the terms or actions of your love. You must let your imagination run loose. We have two simple requests. One) we ask that you share with us and record through some medium (writing, photos, film) what you decide to do with the money. Two) we ask that you share the gift of love with others.

10 couples will receive help? [click here]
Yes! Our goal is to shine the light of love on the world. We believe sometimes all you need is a little creativity and financial help. We plan to start in a big way on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2012. Once we have all our applicants we will select 10 couples help them do something wonderful with their love.

Why make a pledge? [click here]
Historic Loves is dedicated to spreading the gift of love. Since we are limited to 10,000 couples, we would like truly committed ones. Applicants are asked to seal their commitment with a pledge, so we may continue to share the gift of love. This is a small amount for a lifetime of rewards. We expect for many of them it will come back tenfold. See How?

Can I submit multiple times? [click here]
No. 1 love. 1 spot. Each couple will receive a 100px block on the homepage and be a member of this exclusive community. We have only 10,000 places for over 1 billion couples. Since no love is greater or more precious than another, we can not recognize one more for money.

Who qualifies as a Historic Love? [click here]
There is no qualification for love. You simply have to be a living couple in an everyday world. All of the following are acceptable.
  1. Young loves just dating
  2. Loves about to or recently engaged
  3. Loves about to or recently married
  4. Long united loves
Can I submit on someone's behalf? [click here]
Yes! You absolutely can submit on behalf of a couple you know. Family members or friends who wish to submit a Historic Love are more than welcome. Their love will be commemorated, immortalized, and serve as a an inspiration for future generations. In the story section tell us why you think they are one of the greatest loves of our lives. You must include their contact Email at a minimum.

Where do my donations go? [click here]
Love begets Love. Your money goes to helping couples in need realize their dreams. We help and support our 10,000 couples. They become our ambassadors of love, helping those around them, and spreading the light of love to others. Even love needs a little help.

Who are you? [click here]
My name is Charleston. I am a Marine officer, author, and entrepreneur. I live in the city of magic with the love of my life. I met her two months before I deployed to Iraq the second time. We spent almost the first year of our relationship apart. Though this was a difficult and fragile time we had many interesting stories and adventures along the way. You can read more about our story here. Ultimately we fell madly in love and have been inseparable ever since. She inspires me everyday. She inspired me to share our story (link) and seek out other great love stories through Historic Loves.

Does she know? [click here]
NO! She does not know yet, so please be discrete. I launched all of this while she was working at UNICEF for the summer in Panama, helping children in violent circumstances. I have not told her yet. I would like it to be a surprise. I am hoping to one day propose and marry the woman of my dreams. You are all invited. No, seriously. I would like to have a celebration that you can all share with us. When I do say "I do," I want each day to be magical. I want this to just be the beginning...

How did this idea originate? [click here]
This idea began with a simple question. Does true love exist? I am so magically in love with the woman of my dreams, my true love. I believe that others must be out there. I believe that true love can not exist only in fantasies and fairy tales, but must live around us in our everyday lives. I believe love is nurtured with the magic of life and tested every moment of its' existence. Everyone who succumbs to love's will is confronted with enormous power and responsibility. Great loves, "Historic Loves" are never easy. They must endure adventures; wage battles; and overcome great odds. They are not sideline romances. The possibility of True love is always present, but we must make it happen.

Why are you doing this? [click here]
Love. I love my girl. I love her so much that I wanted to share our love story with others. I wanted to say "I will love you forever" in a completely new and unique way. And, I wanted to preserve our love. Immortalize it in a way. Immortalize it right here on this page, because even though we may forget the love we have felt it never dies.

I felt like there must be other people out there, who felt the same way. I wanted to capture their stories and share them with the world. These "Historic Loves" are inspirational. The challenges faced for love are hard. This website should serve as a reminder to all those struggling in love that true love is real and all around us. You must never give up. You must never lose heart.

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